Our Testimonials

This was a very informative workshop, I was able to transform my teaching style and the students can also experience the change

Ms. Seema Patnaik PGT @ KPS Raipur

I am smarter with my lesson plans and for the first time taught grammar lesson using musical props. This was a very helpful workshop

Ms. Ruma Nanda TGT @ KPS Raipur

With this program I realised by strengths in teaching language

Ms. PreetiSahoi TGT, CPWS

My work life is very peaceful now and I can focus more on work

Mr. Anand Sharma Lawyer

I am able to focus more on studies with a peacefull mind

Devansh Student

The program is very informative and I have benefited a lot from this workshop

Prema Shukla Teacher

I need more session like this for my improvement. Need to be more interesting by involving activities.

Sangeeta Mishra B.P.S. Mission Campus

I would definitely like to attend any programme related similarly to the Leadership Training Program.

Uma Nair M.G.M.S.S.S.Sec.6, Bhilai

It was a thought provoking programme. Please let me know whenever such programmes are organised, Ty

Mary Sajan M.G.M.S.S.S.Sec.6, Bhilai

Satisfied fully and was inspirational. It will have a positive impact on my working practice. More activities should like plickers should be included.